50 shades of parenting

You scream, I yell

I yell, you cry

You cry, I dry your tears

I can see fear in those innocent eyes

I can see feelings no kid ever should know about


But I see so much more

I see love, joy and happiness

I see myself in you

I want to protect you

Just want to hold you tight so no one can harm you


I see the future in you


And when I tuck you in at night

You’re holding me tight

Squeezing your small arms around my neck

Telling me how much you love me


Mummy please don’t leave, I need you

And there it is

The reason why I’m still here

The reason I get up from bed every morning


I want to be here for you

Follow each step you take


In a couple of months a new chapter starts

For all of us

You’re a big boy now

No more kindergarden

No more nappies to change

No more playing around all day


You’re starting school

And with school comes new challenges

You’ll have to learn to read, write and do maths

You’ll have to be more independent

Getting to know new people


Please baby boy, I pray for you

I hope you get along with your classmates

I hope your teacher sees you

I hope you will be safe at school

That no one picks on you

Or make jokes about your size or the way you speak

I do hope you don’t have to go through the same hell I did when I was your age


But most of all

If anything happens

Know I’ll be here for you

Every day and night

Through good and bad days

Because I am your mother

And i love you

To the moon and back



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